When the kids were little most hotels we visited would offer us a crib in our room but as soon the kids outgrew the crib bed space was at a premium. Ensuring everyone has a place to lay their head is easier with a Shrunks Travel Beds and we have one to giveaway.
Our Shrunks Twin Travel Bed fit right in to our holiday sleepover tradition but it will be perfect for weekend visits to Grandma’s house and family road trips. I love the features of our Shrunks Twin Travel Bed but more important, the kids love it. They often have a coin toss to see who gets to sleep on the Shrunks first.
Thanks to the folks at Cariboo Distrubuting we have one (1) Shrunks Twin Travel Bed to giveaway. For your chance to win simply tell us in the form below where you plan on using your Shrunks Travel Bed.
Contest closes 12 EST January 25, 2014 and is open to Canadian residents only. Please see full contest rules.
The post Have Bed will Travel appeared first on EverythingMom.